The awareness of Ukrainian citizens about the policy within the framework of the European Green Deel is quite low. This applies not only to general environmental issues, but also to issues of sustainable energy. However, Ukraine is a candidate country for joining the EU. Ukraine will play an important role in Europe’s energy transition. Therefore, it is very important for Ukrainians to gain more knowledge about renewable energy sources, their role in the energy transition, as well as the risks to nature that may be associated with the neglect of ecological restrictions when choosing RES construction sites.
Goal: to increase the awareness of Ukrainians about what the energy transition entails and the Ukrainian contribution to the energy transition of the European Union through specially created media content.
- To create high-quality media content on important issues of energy transition in Ukraine, which is a candidate for EU membership, with the participation of experts.
- Twice a month to broadcast through the YouTube channel, informing Ukrainians about the key issues of the energy transition in Ukraine and the EU.
Сreated 10 video programs about the advantages and potential risks of the development of nuclear power, large and small hydropower, wind power, and bioenergy in Ukraine. And also about the basic principles of creating local networks to increase the energy independence of local communities.
Partner: Grassroots Foundation