Environmental studies through trainings and seminars are of interest to a very small percentage of students. A great deal of children and young people respond to information about environmental issues through emotions caused by artistic means – through films, videos, theatrical performances or animated films.

Today, various communication channels, such as social networks and YouTube channels are extremely popular with young people. Small videos or cartoons can reach a large audience and encourage a large number of children and young people to engage in conservation activities. An even more important task is to involve students in the creation of such an educational and artistic product. Therefore, the EcoSchool for Art Students in Environmental Education aims at teaching children ages 7 to 13 years old the art of animation. The result of this training should be cartoon films made by children under the guidance of trainers.

Area of ​​activity: Uzhhorod.

Objective: To shape students’ environmental awareness and engage them in environmental activities through the arts by conducting a fall eco-school environmental animation cartoon school.


  1. EcoSchool was held in the autumn to create cartoon films about environmental conservation using plasticine for 15 students from 7 to 12 years;
  2. created by 3 cartoon hands of children under the direction of coaches “River Life”, “One Fall”, “Our Planet”. Cartoons can provide excellent didactic material for teachers to help with climate change lessons, MSW management, river pollution and the harmfulness of burning leaves and dryness in the fall and spring;
  3. the Forum “Art as a tool in environmental education” was held with the participation of city schools and extra-curricular institutions.

Partners: Peace Corp USA, Office of Youth and Sports of Transcarpathian Regional State Administration.

More about the project:

1) in the story “Autumn Children’s School“ Art in Nature Education ”;

2) in the article “In Uzhhorod, children created cartoons made of plasticine on environmental issues”;

3) in the message “Uzhhorod school children created a series of ecofilms”.

