The shore polder system (BPS) is a unique system because it serves both to flood and excess inland waters, through a large and dense network of canals, and can be intensively used for agriculture and recreational purposes. It is an ecosystem for the existence of many plant species and animals.

The project is aimed at reducing flood damage and droughts in the BPS with a focus on the Charonda-Latoritsa canal located in the Uzhhorod district of Transcarpathia. The solution to the problem is complex: not only is there a need for water management, but also exploring the possibility of using the project area for the development of organic agriculture and animal husbandry. Also, the need for conservation of biodiversity and the formation of environmental awareness of the younger generation of rural population of the project area.

Project area: Uzhhorod and Berehiv districts of the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine and the Szabolcs-Szotmar-Bereh region in Hungary – the territory of the Berehiv cross-border polder system.

Objective: To reduce flood damage and the negative effects of drought, to implement an integrated water management system within the Berehove polder system.


  1. Drain the Charonda-Latoritsa channel to improve channel during floods, taking into account the recommendations of UzhNU Faculty of Biology and Ecosphere.
  2. To pay attention to the agricultural aspects in the area of ​​the Charonda-Latorica canal, in particular to analyze the condition of the lands, the trends of what crops can be grown, the use of fertilizers, and on the basis of the obtained results, provide farmers with recommendations for farming in the area.
  3. To present calculations of possibilities of using fish-ameliorants in the territory of the BPS for the purpose of clearing channels from excess vegetation. In particular, a closed reservoir, Lake Charonda, was selected for the piloting of the fishery.
  4. Develop and implement a program for public monitoring of the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems in schools within the project area, conduct a wide public awareness campaign on the pollution factors most affected by the Berehovo polder system channels (the task was implemented by the Ecosphere R&D).

The result of the Ecosphere R&D:

  1. Established school monitoring groups (5 monitoring groups) regularly monitored the ecological status of rivers and canals flowing through their villages. The studies were conducted by the method of bioindication. Monitoring groups have prepared micro-projects for solving the most important problems, such as the location of natural landfills on the banks of water courses and plowing of coastal protection strips.
  2. A training course and training manual “Ecological studies of aquatic ecosystems” have been developed. This edition was awarded by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine the first place in the category “Authors” in the annual competition “To clean sources” in 2013. Target audience: Biology teachers in general and after-school education.

Project partners: ENPI CBC – HUSKROUA (2007-2013), Tisza BWRM, Upper-Tiszai Water Affairs Directorate (Hungary), Uzhhorod Interregional Water Management Authority, Solovkivska and Chernivtsi Village Council. The associated partner of the project is the State Enterprise “Joint Directorate for Construction of Water Resources of Transcarpathian Region”.
