Dubivska territorial community is a mountain community of Zakarpattia region, which implements measures to increase energy security through the development of a local renewable energy network. The relevant project is being implemented by the NGO “Ekosphera” with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Program within the project «Increasing the energy security of the Dubivska territorial community».
During the working meeting, the experts of the NGO “Ekosphera” together with the employees of the village council discussed the «Program for increasing energy efficiency and energy independence of the Dubivska Territorial Community» for the period from 2023 to 2027.

The program envisages the implementation of a set of measures aimed at abandoning fossil energy sources, reducing energy consumption, and installing communal SPPs for the production and consumption of own electricity, which will increase the community’s energy independence. The measures will concern the budgetary sphere, street lighting and centralized water supply, water drainage and municipal sewage treatment.

The first step towards this will be the installation of a hybrid communal solar power plant on the building of the village council, which will have a thermal storage of electricity. The rechargeable battery will ensure uninterrupted operation of the village council, even in conditions of emergency power outages. Also, the community will create an Energy Independence Fund, the funds of which will be directed to energy efficiency and RES development activities. The experience gained will be able to be replicated in other communities of Zakarpattia region, promoting the ideas of energy democracy in local energy policies of territorial communities.
The Ukraine Program for Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development “U-LEAD with Europe” is jointly funded by the EU and its member states Germany, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia and Slovenia to support Ukraine on its way to strengthen local municipality. U-LEAD promotes transparent, accountable and multi-level governance in Ukraine that meets the needs of citizens and empowers communities.