The main problem to be solved by our project is the preservation of natural heritage on the territory of NPP “Synevyr”, namely protected forests and rivers of the Tereblya River basin and their inhabitants, including species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, which are currently affected by natural disasters landfills. Hundreds of thousands of tourists from around the world come to admire the 7th natural wonder of Ukraine – Lake Synevyr – watching the littered shores and bed of the Tereblya River, natural dumps in forests and ravines. This situation does not contribute to biodiversity conservation and successful tourism in the park.
The issue of total environmental pollution in the mountainous areas of the Zakarpattia region is today the most significant problem, both for nature and nature reserves, and for local communities. The biggest problem for mountain settlements where this waste is generated is the lack of a system of centralized collection of solid waste from the population, and its removal to waste disposal. In Mizhhirya district, there is currently only one landfill in the village of Mizhhirya, where, according to the agreement, garbage is removed centrally only from the village of Synevyrska Polyana, where most tourist establishments (hotels, estates, restaurants, cafes) are located. All other villages are left alone with their problem.
In September 2019, the Ecosphera NGO purchased 8 containers for separate waste collection (glass and PET bottle) and placed them in the villages of Synevyr, Synevyrska Polyana and Kolochava. At the same time, information posters and booklets were produced and distributed. Negotiations were held with entrepreneurs who take away secondary raw materials for further processing.
The model of centralized collection of secondary raw materials for further sending for recycling will be successful only if there is a stage of its pressing to increase volumes. Only large volumes are attractive to businesses and local communities. Therefore, the implementation of this model requires the creation of infrastructure for the collection of recyclables through containers, the presence of a site for storage of recyclables and a baler press for sorted recyclables. It is also important to form radically new behavioral habits for the residents of the villages regarding garbage sorting, which can be done through the educational and informational component of the project.
Territory of activity: Mizhhirya district of Zakarpattia region, Synevyr National Nature Park, Synevyr and Kolochava territorial communities in the valley of the Tereblya river.
Objective: to promote the preservation of the unique natural heritage on the territory of Synevyr National Nature Park through the establishment of a system of separate garbage collection in the settlements near Lake Synevyr and in the valley of the Tereblya River.
- Prepare infrastructure for separate solid waste collection and purchase equipment: additional containers for separate solid waste collection and a press for a PET bottle.
- Prepare and conduct training and practical measures for sustainable management of solid waste in order to preserve the natural heritage, which is bequeathed on the territory of Synevyr National Nature Park in educational institutions of villages Terebli Valley: Svoboda, Synevyrska Polyana, Negrovets, Synevyr, Kolochava.
- Conduct a broad information campaign among the residents of the district about the current problems of the Mizhhirya region related to littering the area and the need to preserve the unique nature and biodiversity in the territory of NPP “Synevyr”.
- A system of separate garbage collection has been established in the Kolochava Territorial Community and the Synevyr Territorial Community, which are located in the valley of the upper and middle reaches of the Tereblya River.
- Provided 16 pairs of separate garbage collection containers for these 2 communities and 1 hydraulic press for recycling.
- 2 promotional videos of natural and cultural values of Synevyr National Park were created.
Partners: Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, Zakarpattia Regional Council, Association of Local Governments “Euroregion Carpathians – Ukraine” in the Program to support initiatives of local Carpathian communities, Department of Youth and Sports of Zakarpattia Regional State Administration.