Dubivska Territorial Community is a mountain community of Zakarpattia, located in the valley of the Teresva River. As part of the project to increase the community’s energy independence, the NGO “Ekosphera” with the support of the “U-LEAD with Europe” Programme installed a hybrid communal solar power plant with a thermal electricity storage device on the building of the village council. The rechargeable battery will ensure uninterrupted operation of the village council even in the event of emergency power outages.
The Dubiv territorial community unites 5 settlements with the center in the village of Dubove. A total of 20,000 people live in the Dubivska territorial community.

On the territory of the community there are distributed power generation facilities – the Krasnianska mini-hydroelectric power station (1.16 MW) and home solar power plants (3.15 MW). However, the community itself does not receive electricity from these power generation facilities and loses access to electricity when the power grid is turned off centrally.

In this regard, the territorial community is actively working to improve energy security through the development of a local RES network. The first step towards this was the installation of a 10 kW hybrid communal solar power plant at the village council building as part of the project “Increasing Energy Security of the Dubivska Territorial Community”.

The relevant project is being implemented by the NGO “Ekosphera” with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. The generated electricity from the hybrid rooftop solar power plant will fully supply the village council building with its own electricity and will illuminate the square and children’s playground in the center of the village in the warm season near the administrative building.

At the same time, the project’s experts are working on the development of local energy policy of the community, namely in matters of increasing energy efficiency and energy security. In particular, they will develop the Program for Increasing the Energy Independence of the Dubiv Territorial Community until 2030, simultaneously implementing the municipal energy management system.

Accordingly, the village council already has an energy manager who is responsible for the consumption of energy resources and the implementation of energy-efficient measures in subordinate institutions.

The Dubivska community also made its own contribution to the project — it financed the replacement of the emergency roof on the administration building.

«We express our sincere gratitude for the implementation of the project of the NGO “Ekosphera”, in particular the executive director of the NGO “Ekosphera” Kateryna Stankevich-Koval and environmental expert Oksana Stankiewicz-Volosianchuk, as well as the “U-LEAD with Europe” Programme», in particular, to the head of the Zakarpattia Regional Office of the Program, Mykola Siusko,” said in Dubivska settlement council.

Also, within the project, an Energy Independence Fund will be created in Dubivska community, the funds of which will be directed to energy efficiency measures and the development of RES. The experience gained will be able to be replicated in other communities of Zakarpattia, promoting the ideas of energy democracy in local energy policies of territorial communities.

You can see more details about the project on our website.

The Ukraine Program for Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development “U-LEAD with Europe” is jointly funded by the EU and its member states Germany, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia and Slovenia to support Ukraine on its way to strengthen local municipality. U-LEAD promotes transparent, accountable and multi-level governance in Ukraine that meets the needs of citizens and empowers communities.
