Dubivska territorial community is a mountain community of Zakarpattia, located between the mountains, in the valley of the Teresva River. The community unites 5 settlements with the center in the village of Dubove, where about 10,000 people are living.

In the community, as in most communities of Ukraine, there is a problem of emergency shutdowns. These outages negatively affect the provision of medical, educational, municipal and other services to community residents. On the territory of Dubivska territorial community there are facilities of distributed power generation – Krasnyanska MGPP (1.16 MW) and residential solar power plants (3.15 MW). The community does not receive electricity from these power generation facilities and loses access to electricity in the event of a centralized shutdown of the power grid.

On the balance sheet of Dubivska territorial community there are 26 objects of the budgetary sphere, the buildings of which require energy efficiency measures and the introduction of their own sources of electricity generation. There are no local utility facilities of renewable sources of electricity, which would generate electricity for own consumption.

In Zakarpattia solar power plants have become the most common due to relatively cheap technology, ease of installation, lack of significant impact on the environment during installation and operation (this is the only type of RES, the installation of which does not require an environmental impact assessment procedure), as well as a higher level of insolation than in the neighboring Western Carpathian regions of Ukraine (more details at the link https://globalsolaratlas.info/).

The problem is the lack of a strategic vision and community development plan in the field of energy efficiency and energy independence. For the formation of local energy policy of the community and its successful implementation, the community currently lacks specialists with the available level of knowledge and experience.

In the private sector, the main problem is the low level of knowledge of residents in the field of renewable energy use in households. Residents need visual examples of project implementation, economic calculations, information about specialized credit and grant programs. There is almost no information about the “success stories” of RES implementation in the local mass media.

Area of activity: Dubivska territorial community in Zakarpattia region

Goal: To increase the energy security of Dubivska territorial community of Zakarpattia by developing a local renewable energy network and by increasing the institutional capacity of the village council in the field of local energy development.

The target audience of the project: employees of the Dubivska settlement council, employees of budgetary institutions, employees of the communal enterprise “Dubivske”, employees of the economy management in the field of energy efficiency and RES, deputies of the Dubivska settlement council, residents of Dubivska territorial community, representatives of businesses, other territorial communities of Ukraine.


Objective 1: To increase the level of capacity of village council specialists, employees of KP “Dubivske” and budgetary institutions in the field of energy efficiency and energy monitoring.
Objective 2:
To develop a project of the Program for increasing energy efficiency and energy independence of Dubivska territorial community.
Objective 3: Install a pilot hybrid communal solar power plant.
Objective 4:
To spread positive planning experience in the field of local energy development, implementation of pilot measures.


  1. A system of municipal energy management has been introduced
  2. Software for monitoring energy consumption of budget institutions has been installed
  3. The Program for Increasing the Energy Independence of the Dubivska community was developed and approved
  4. The Energy Independence Fund has been created, the funds of which will be spent on measures for energy efficiency and the development of RES
  5. The first communal hybrid solar power plant has been installed, which will generate up to 11,000 kWh per year, which will allow the community to save on electricity and develop other communal RES facilities on the territory of the community.

Partners: ULEAD with Europe, Dubivska village council of Zakarpattia region.

The Ukraine Program for Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development “U-LEAD with Europe” is jointly funded by the EU and its member states Germany, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia and Slovenia to support Ukraine on its way to strengthening local municipality. U-LEAD promotes transparent, accountable and multi-level governance in Ukraine that responds to the needs of citizens and empowers communities.

The Ukraine Program for Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development “U-LEAD with Europe” is jointly funded by the EU and its member states Germany, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia and Slovenia to support Ukraine on its way to strengthen local municipality. U-LEAD promotes transparent, accountable and multi-level governance in Ukraine that meets the needs of citizens and empowers communities.

